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Develop your love for the language of Music!


Come and have fun diving into the realms of the music theory in an environment where you'll feel comfortable and encouraged to develop your understanding and application of music theory!


Developing your understanding of music theory will not just help you with your music class assessments, but develop your overall musicianship and your brains development! It is another language after all!


I will help you feel confident in reading, writing and interpreting musical notation, performances directions, rhythms, time signatures, clefs, modes, different types of scales and keys etc.


You'll have the opportunity to explore many styles of written contemporary and classical theory and develop your aural skills to prep you for exams and your own musical development - maybe even writing your own music! 


Sign up below to explore your interest in music theory!


Music Theory lessons – what’s covered?


Understanding the basics - learn how to read rhythm, understand the note names in relation to treble and bass clefs and understand time signatures


Aural training – develop your ears as you learn how to recognise intervals between notes, relationships between chords, timbre of different instruments and styles and genres of classical and contemporary musics


 Performance directions and terminology – learn the meaning of different performance markings and how this changes the feel of a piece of music and how the piece is communicated upon performance


Keys, modes and scales - understand the different rules around western major, minor, blues and pentatonic scales and chords, and further develop your understanding of keys and scales by exploring the different musical modes 


Composition – put your new theory skills in to practice and write a piece of sheet music for yourself or others to play


Further development - As you improve, we can look at a plethora of skills and techniques including transposition, instrument specific performance directions, musical differences across the world etc. There are so many fun topics to learn as you continue to improve!



Lessons available:

Private 1 on 1 - $55/hour or, $35/half hour

Group 2 or more - $30/hour per student​

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